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Healing EEs/EHEs/Healing Process Record Type: Review ID: 520 |
Healers on HealingCarlson, Richard, & Shield, Benjamin (Eds.) | |
This is an anthology of the responses of many of the best and most well-known non-traditional healers to answer the question: "What, in your experience, is the key element or golden thread that unites healing processes?" There are 37 contributors, and their essays are presented in eight categories. Part One, "Love is the Healer," consists of 5 essays: "Love, the Healer," by Bernie Siegel; "What is Healing?", by Hugh Prather; "Healing, Love, and Empowerment," by Jack Schwarz; "Healer, Heal Thyself," by Louise L. Hay; and "Removing Distress to Reveal Health," by Serge Kahili King. Part Two, "Returning to Wholeness," consists of 5 contributions: "The Mystery of Wholeness," by Richard Moss; "Mirroring the Life Force," by Lynn Andrews; "The Harmony of Health," by O. Carl Simonton; "Innate Intelligence is the Healer," by George Goodheart; and "The Circle of Healing," by Brooke Medicine Eagle. Part Three, "The Healer Within," consists of 3 essays: "Self-Discovery and Self-Healing," by John E. Upledger; "Listening to Inner Wisdom," by Shakti Gawain; and "Illness as an Opportunity for Healing," by Martin Rossman. Part Four, "The Healing Relationship," consists of 8 contributions: "The Healing Equation," by Norman Cousins; "The Search for Healing," by Rachel Naomi Remen; "Teaching What I Live," by Emilie Conrad-Da'oud; "The Healing Relationship," by Jerry Solfvin; "Healing as a Journey Together," by Ted Kaptchuk; "The Compassion Factor," by Rosalyn Bruyere; "The Empathic Relationship: A Foundation of Healing," by Rollo May; and "Touchstones of the Healing Process," by Stanley Krippner. Part Five, "The Role of the Healer," consists of 6 essays: "Trust and Honesty: Foundations of Healing," by Emmett E. Miller; "The Timeless Concept of Healing," by Dolores Krieger; "The Four Pillars of Healing," by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; "Presence," by Don Hanlon Johnson; "The Hidden Universe of the Healer," by Michael Harner; and "Healing: The Emergence of Right Relationship," by Janet F. Quinn. Part Six, "The Healing Attitude," consists of 3 contributions: "Healing Attitudes," by Sun Bear; "Living and Loving One Second at a Time," by Gerald Jampolsky; and "Healing: What We Can Learn from Children," by Patricia Norris. Part Seven, "Consciousness and the Healing Response," consists of 5 essays: "The Mind of Healing," by Joan Halifax; "The Intuitive Heart," by Ram Dass; "Mind Beyond Body," by Larry Dossey; "The Healing Silence," by Harold Bloomfield; and "The Spell of Mortality," by Deepak Chopra. Part Eight, "Healing as Our Birthright," consists of 2 contributions: "Removing Barriers to the Peaceful Core," by Joan Borysenko; and "The Healing for Which We Took Birth," by Stephen Levine. | |
Publisher Information: | Los Angeles, CA: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1989 |
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