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Record Type: Review   ID: 618

Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind

Swann, Ingo

 Ingo Swann possesses several special qualifications for writing this book. First, he has been successful at demonstrating extrasensory perception (ESP) in laboratory tests; he knows the parapsychology literature on ESP probably better than many researchers; he is a creative artist, which predisposes him to be aware of certain subtle aspects of the ESP process that others might not recognize; his analytical, critical ability is highly developed as well as his synthesizing, intuitive capacities; and he is embued by "the sociological imagination" as well in that he is aware—from his own experience—that those who are adept at using ESP do not work in a vacuum but are profoundly affected and influenced by the way society views ESP. Familiar with some of the best-known parapsychologists and with the field itself, Swann sees that ESP "has never achieved a normalized status—even within parapsychology, the science that studies the phenomena" (p. 5). Moreover, he feels that the parapsychological terminology itself inhibits the expression of ESP. Instead, he places self-experience, not ESP terminology, "as the major prerequisite for any real understanding of ESP functioning" (p. 11). He develops a new classification of ESP and a new terminology. He then puts it all together by presenting a way of developing ESP that works for him and for others he has trained. Using picture drawings as targets, and taking into consideration earlier research with drawings, he shows how to learn from your own response drawings. He also briefly describes the East European approach to ESP and related abilities, which he finds more useful than the Anglo-American view, which insists on demarcating ESP from body and self. Rather than a clear demarcation, he prefers the East European concept of a biofield surrounding each organism, and their term for ESP, which is bioinformation. It seems to me that not only would individuals who wish to develop ESP profit from this book, but enterprising parapsychologists should study it, take it to heart and design experiments based on it. Perhaps no one else has done a better job of showing how to become conscious of ESP impressions.
Publisher Information:Los Angeles, CA: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1991. 218p. Bibl: 207-210; 79 figs; Index: 211-218
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