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Record Type: Review   ID: 248

The Millennium Book of Prophecy: 777 Visions and Predictions From Nostra-damus, Edgar Cayce, Gurdjieff, Tamo-san, Madame Blavatsky, the Old and New Testament Prophets and 89 Others

Hogue, John

 If one wanted to do a content analysis of millennial prophecies, this would be a good place to start. In appearance it resembles a smaller than normal coffee table book, but it isn’t. Hogue’s presentation is both multi-faceted and scholarly. It even makes reading prophecies (not my favorite pastime) enjoyable. The subtitle describes the content. The text begins with a guide to how to read the book and an introductory near-death vision. Hogue’s point in compiling this work is to show that prophecy has been a human activity from the beginning, and we need to "awaken the prophet that is in us all." Broadly speaking, I would say prophecy is a sense of likely future possibilities, not only personal, but as regards the social groups to which one belongs, extending possibly to the earth itself and beyond. Prophetic insights of our own and of others, living and dead, should be given consideration, just as we need to be aware of gut feelings, rational judgment, and our sensory and extrasensory capabilities as we move through our lives. Hogue makes it easy and pleasurable, as well as informative, to tap well-known prophets dealing with major themes, which he has classified as Cycles of Time, Purified by Fire, Signs in the Sky, and in Part two, Trauma, and "seven final plagues," the seventh being "Do you realize you are the plague?" There follows the third world war and "The Horse They All Ride: A Nightmare Unconscious." There isn’t a lot of sweetness and light here, but we all need a dose of salts now and then—maybe more often as time goes on. But the third part, "Tomorrow of Blessing," includes 6 prophecies on a possible "bridge to Utopia," 5 on the "death of the past," and 4 on "spiritual rebellion." In an appendix are brief biographies ranging from one to several paragraphs on the prophets included. There is a bibliography of the texts from which the prophecies were selected.
Publisher Information:New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994. 346p. Bibl: 340-342; 124 illus
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