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Animals/Interspecies Communication
Record Type: Review   ID: 7

Communicating with Animals: The Spiritual Connection Between People and Animals

Myers, Arthur

 This exciting book is written by a skeptically-minded (and equally open-minded) ex-investigative reporter who now writes, among other things, about aspects of the paranormal, especially haunted houses. He heard a talk by Nancy Regalmuto, a psychic who works mainly with animals and is apparently able to telepathically communicate back and forth with them. This was his first acquaintance with the idea that humans and animals could communicate directly. He then learned from a friend that many ordinary (nonpsychic) people were doing something similar to Regalmuto. This book, in his words, "is an account of my wanderings among these mostly ordinary people—people who are discovering their closeness to and ability to reach the consciousness of animals, as well as other aspects of nature with which we humans share this planet, such as trees, plants, rocks, and the earth itself" (p. x). He considers this phenomenon as one aspect "of the oneness of the universe that we are becoming aware of at this moment, just before the dawn of the twenty-first century" (p. x). He fully admits some of these stories are hard to believe, but when you read about how they occurred, I think Myers was witness to the burgeoning of a new/old human capacity to reach down to the depths of our humanity to the level where we know our unity with all other species: Life communing with life. I will list the chapter headings because they paint a picture of all the dimensions of human-animal communion. I raised an eyebrow once or twice as I read, but when you read the accounts, they are wondrous—exceptional human experiences indeed. The contents are as follow: You Can Talk With Animals if You’re Psychic—and We’re All Psychic; The Plight of Robbie the Cockatoo; How People Get Started Chatting With Animals; Ways That Animals and Humans Exchange Information; The Complicated Emotional Lives of Animals; How Communicators Have Helped Heal Animals Physically; Workshops That Can Train You in Animal Communication; A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Communicating; When Your Beloved Animals Dies; Do Animals Reincarnate? Ghosts of Animals; Finding Lost Animals Through Telepathy; Communicating With Wild Animals, Trees, Bushes, Slugs, and the Occasional Rock; and, Are Some Animals Poets?
Publisher Information:Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, 1997. Pp. x + 243. Appendix A: Further reading: 229; Appendix B: Professional animal communicators: 231-236; 6 illus; Ind: 237-243; 38 photos; 3 ports
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