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Cross-Disciplinary Approaches
Record Type: Review   ID: 758

Archetypal Process: Self and Divine in Whitehead, Jung, and Hillman

Griffin, David Ray. (Ed.).

 Griffin notes: "The terms 'process' and 'archetypal' in the title refer to two movements: the process theology derived primarily from Alfred North Whitehead, and the archetypal psychology derived primarily from Carl Gustav Jung but James Hillman is also named because he has introduced some modifications—some would say heresies—into the movement. These two movements share many ideas and fundamental aims. In particular, they both want to return soul and divinity to the world. Is it possible for them to join forces against the soul-denying and divinity-excluding materialisms and positivisms that they both oppose? Can archetypalists derive cosmological depth, breadth, and support from process theology? Can process theologians acquire a developed, empirically based psychology and a richer, more evocative rhetoric of soul and divinity from archetypalists? More modestly: can people rooted in one of these two movements genuinely converse with those from the other? Or are the differences in fundamental intention and approach between the philosophical and psychologizing modes of thought so profound as to make genuine dialogue, let alone conspiracy, impossible? These were the questions underlying, and providing both the excitement for and apprehension about, a conference organized by the Center for Process Studies, and held at Claremont University Center and Graduate School in 1983. Although James Hillman was the figure around whom the conference was organized, it was decided to bring process theology into dialogue equally with the thought of both Jung and Hillman. The present book arises out of that conference, although many of the contributions, including the introduction and Hillman's concluding response, have been written since the conference, specifically for this book" (p. vii). The participants were David Ray Griffin, Gerald H. Slusser, J'nan Morse Sellery, Stanley R. Hopper, John B. Cobb, Jr., Catherine Keller, Robert L. Moore, James W. Heisig, Charles E. Winquist, James Hillman, and Edward S. Casey.
Publisher Information:Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1989. 290p. Chap. bibl: 269-284; Index: 285-290
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