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EHE Autobiographies
Record Type: Review   ID: 101

Dolphins Telepathy & Underwater Birthing: Further Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences

Wyllie, Timothy

I have already reviewed Wyllie’s partial EHE autobiography and his introduction to dolphins. In this book he concentrates on the experiences named in the title, exploring inward at the same time that he ventures outward. To many this record of participative observations will seem extremely far out. To me it is so good there has to be truth here. I think we are all, willingly or not, participating in creating the reality we observe and share consensually. If we were to follow Wyllie’s lead, reality would go up and in a notch or two, becoming more extraordinary and well worth living as it grows.

Ten chapters are primarily about dolphins: playing with them and sharing intimate feelings; an EHE with dolphins in which he experienced an unexpected release from long-held fears; dolphins as manipulators of subtle energy, as biosonic surgeons, and his experience of meditating with them; various forms of interspecies communication involving humans and dolphins; dolphins’ spirituality and telepathic ability; a synchronistic meeting he had with a wild dolphin; more on telepathy and dolphins; why dolphins are choosing to die; the legend of the Golden Dolphin; life with wild dolphins; and the interconnectedness of dolphins, humans, and Gaia (Earth).

The second major theme, not mentioned in the title, is the Australian aborigines: a Maori holy man; an angelic view of Aborigines; meeting the Aborigines. There are several chapters on underwater birthing; encounters with water babies; telepathic children; the vision of Igor Charkovsky; water birth and dolphins; and the possible water birth of a new species out of human/dolphin group mind and empathic understanding.

Throughout he evolves and describes telepathy as no parapsychologist I know of has imagined it to be. It links all the experiences in the book together. It is nonlinear and, as Chris Griscom describes it in the foreword, it is "a multidimensional matrix of interconnecting and synchronistic knowing that expands the gamut from thought transference to duets of symbolic, interconnected, physical movement, exchanged not only among the human family but between ourselves and all sentient beings" (p. xi).

Wyllie’s consciousness is the most open and unfettered that I have encountered in print. I’d jump to read anything by him.

Publisher Information:Sante Fe, NM: Bear, 1993. Pp. xxi + 279. 4 illus; 5 photos
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