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Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Parapsychology
Record Type: Review   ID: 1279

Parapsychology and the Unconscious

Eisenbud, Jule

 The author remarks on the irony of the fact that the two disciplines having most to do with unconscious factors in human affairs, psychoanalysis and parapsychology, pay so little heed to one another. This collection of essays, only one of which has not been previously published, whole or in part, is offered as a tentative step in bringing psychoanalysis and parapsychology together. Some papers have been revised and rewritten to the point where they are almost entirely new. The chapter on mediumship was written specifically for this volume, for, as Eisenbud points out, it is an almost unique refracting prism through which various aspects of the relationship between the unconscious and psi can be explored. The chapter titles and sources are "Four Views of Man" (originally published in Spanish and reprinted in Fate), "Psi and the Problem of the Disconnections in Science" (JASPR), "Two Approaches to Psi Phenomena" (JASPR), "The Psychology of the Paranormal" (JASPR), "Differing Adaptive Roles of Psi in Primitive and Non-Primitive Societies" (Psychoanalytical Review), "How to Influence Practically Anybody (but Fellow Scientists) Extrasensorially at a Distance" (his Psi and Psychoanalysis and Psychic), "The Problem of Resistance to Psi" (Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association and his The World of Ted Serios), "Psychic Photography and Thoughtography" (Psychic Exploration, ed. by J. White), "Postscript: Ganymede Observed" (new), "Anthropology and Parapsychology" (Extrasensory Ecology, ed. by J. Long), "Psi and the Nature of Things" (IJP), "Why Psi?" (Zeitschrift fur Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie and Psychoanalytic Review), "Chance and Necessity: Is There a Merciful God in the House?" (his Paranormal Foreknowledge), "The Case of Florence Marryat" (JASPR), and "Cagliostro Revisited: The Magic of Mediumship" (new).
Publisher Information:Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1983. 251p. Chapter references. 26 illustrations. Index: 245-251
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