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84 titles in this category in the EHEN Database.

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Psychical EES/EHES

"That Must Have Been ESP!": An Examination of Psychic Experiences. by Virtanen, Leea
Advances in Parapsychological Research: 8. by Krippner, Stanley. (Ed.).
Adventures in Time: Encounters with the Past. by MacKenzie, Andrew
Ahead of Time: The Mystery of Precognition. by Bardens, Dennis
Altered States of Consciousness and PSI: An Historical Survey and Research Prospectus. by Kelly, Edward F. & Locke, Ralph G.
An Experience of Phantoms. by Rogo, D. Scott
An Introduction to Parapsychology (2nd. ed.). by Irwin, H.J.
Beyond Reality: The Role Unseen Dimensions Play in Our Lives. by Rogo, D. Scott
Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-of-the-Body Experience. by Blackmore, Susan J.
BodyMindSpirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality. by Tart, Charles T. (Ed.).
Channeling: A Bibliographic Exploration. by Bjorling, Joel
Channeling: The Intuitive Connection. by Kautz, William H., & Branon, Melanie
Current Trends in Psi Research: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in New Orleans, Louisiana August 13-14, 1984. by Shapin, Betty, and Coly, Lisette (Eds.).
Dream Telepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal ESP (2nd ed.). by Ullman, Montague, and Krippner, Stanley, with Alan Vaughan
Dream Telepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal ESP (2nd ed.). by Ullman, Montague, & Krippner, Stanley, with Vaughan, Alan
Dreams That Come True: Their Psychic and Transforming Powers. by Ryback, David, with Sweitzer, Letitia
Ekstasy: Out-of-the-Body Experiences. by Black, David
Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind. by Swann, Ingo
Far Journeys. by Monroe, Robert A.
Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience. by Irwin, H.J.
Flight of Mind: A Psychological Study of the Out-of-Body Experience. by Irwin, H.J.
Ghosts Over Britain. by Moss, Peter
If This Be Magic. by Playfair, Guy Lyon
Incredible Tales of the Paranormal: Documented Accounts of Poltergeists, Levitations, Phantoms, and Other Phenomena. by Imich, Alexander (Ed.).
Intuition in Organizations: Leading and Managing Productively. by Agor, Weston H. (Ed.)
Landscapes of the Night: How and Why We Dream. by Evans, Christopher
Leaving the Body: A Practical Guide to Astral Projection. by Rogo, D. Scott
Mind Beyond the Body: The Mystery of ESP Projection. by Rogo, D. Scott (Ed.).
Mind Over Matter. by Time-Life Books. Editors
Mutual Dreaming: When Two or More People Share the Same Dream. by Magallón, Linda Lane
Natural ESP: The ESP Core and Its Raw Characteristics. by Swann, Ingo
On the Track of the Poltergeist. by Rogo, D. Scott
On the Track of the Poltergeist (Foreword by W.G. Roll). by Rogo, D. Scott
Ouija: The Most Dangerous Game. by Hunt, Stoker
Out-of-Body Experiences: A Handbook. Foreword by Gertrude Schmeidler. by Mitchell, Janet Lee
Paranormal Foreknowledge: Problems and Perplexities. by Eisenbud, Jule
Patterns of Prophecy. by Vaughan, Alan
Philosophical Interactions With Parapsychology: The Major Writings of H.H. Price on Parapsychology and Survival. by Price, Henry Habberly. (Frank B. Dilley, Ed.).
Poltergeists. by Gauld, Alan, & Cornell, A.D.
Poltergeists and the Paranormal: Fact Beyond Fiction. by Stander, Philip, & Schmolling, Paul
Possible Worlds of the Fantastic: The Rise of the Paranormal in Literature. by Traill, Nancy H.
Projetiologia: Survey of OBE Experiences. by Vieira, Waldo
Psychic Criminology: An Operations Manual for Using Psychics in Criminal Investigations. by Hibbard, Whitney S., and Worring, Raymond W.
Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook. by Auerbach, Loyd
Psychic Voyages (Mysteries of the Unknown). by Time-Life Books (Eds.)
Riddle of the Future: A Modern Study of Precognition. by MacKenzie, Andrew
Shopping for Miracles: A Guide to Psychics & Psychic Powers. by McMahon, Joanne D. S., & Lascurain, Anna M.
Silver Threads: 25 Years of Parapsychology Research. by Kane, Beverley, Millay, Jean, & Brown, Dean (Eds.).
Spontaneous Psi, Depth Psychology and Parapsychology: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Berkeley, California October 31-November 1, 1987. by Shapin, Betty, & Coly, Lisette (Eds.).
The Alexandria Project. by Schwartz, Stephan A.
The Ashby Guidebook for Study of the Paranormal. by Ashby, Robert H.
The Astral Journey. by Greenhouse, Herbert B.
The Blue Sense: Psychic Detectives and Crime. by Lyons, Arthur, & Truzzi, Marcello
The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena. by Radin, Dean I.
The Divining Hand: The 500-Year-Old Mystery of Dowsing (with hand-drawn illustrations by Thomas Heston). by Bird, Christopher
The Evidence for Phantom Hitch-Hikers. by Goss, Michael
The Evidence for Phantom Hitch-Hikers. by Goss, Michael
The Family Unconscious: "An Invisible Bond.". by Taub-Bynum, E. Bruce
The Folklore of Ghosts. by Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis, & Russell, W.M.S. (Eds.)
The Ghosts of the Trianon: The Complete "An Adventure" by C.A.E. Moberly and E.F. Jourdain. by Coleman, Michael H. (Ed.)
The Intuitive Edge: Understanding and Developing Intuition. by Goldberg, Philip
The Mask of Time: The Mystery Factor in Timeslips, Precognition and Hindsight. by Forman, Joan
The Millennium Book of Prophecy: 777 Visions and Predictions From Nostra-damus, Edgar Cayce, Gurdjieff, Tamo-san, Madame Blavatsky, the Old and New Testament Prophets and 89 Others. by Hogue, John
The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities.. by Targ, Russell, & Harary, Keith
The Nature of Mind: Parapsychology and the Role of Consciousness in the Physical World. by Stokes, Douglas M.
The Parapsychological Impact of the Three Mile Island. by Arnold, Larry
The Persecution of Mr. Tony Elms (the Bromley Poltergeist). by Cassirer, Manfred
The Power of Dreams. by Inglis, Brian
The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before?. by Neppe, Vernon M.
The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before?. by Neppe, Vernon M.
The Seen and the Unseen. by MacKenzie, Andrew
The Seer in Celtic and Other Traditions. by Davidson, Hilda Ellis (Ed.)
The Sociology of the Paranorma1: A Reconnaissance. by Greeley, Andrew M.
The Sphinx and the Rainbow: Brain, Mind and Future Vision. by Loye, David
The Titanic, the Psychic and the Sea. by Brown, Rustie
The Unknown Guest: The Mystery of Intuition. by Inglis, Brian, with Ruth West and the Koestler Foundation
The Unknown Guest: The Mystery of Intuition. by Inglis, Brian, with West, Ruth & the Koestler Foundation
The Wreck of the Titanic Foretold?. by Gardner, Martin (Ed.)
There is More Beyond: Selected Papers of Gardner Murphy. by Murphy, Lois Barclay
Time Warps. by Gribbin, John
Titanic: Psychic Forewarnings of a Tragedy. by Behe, George
Visions of the Future: An Investigation of Premonitions. by Hearne, Keith
Visions of the Future: An Investigation of Premonitions. by Hearne, Keith
With the Eyes of the Mind: An Empirical Analysis of Out-of-body States. by Gabbard, Glen O., & Twemlow, Stuart W.

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