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38 titles in this category in the EHEN Database.

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Parapsychology in General

Advances in Parapsychological Research 6. by Krippner, Stanley (Ed.)
An Introduction to Parapsychology. by Irwin, H.J.
An Introduction to Parapsychology in the Context of Science. by McConnell, R.A.
Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers. by Fairley, John, & Welfare, Simon
Current Trends in Psi Research: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 13-1 4, 1984. by Shapin, Betty, & Coly, Lisette (Eds.).
Education in Parapsychology: Proceedings of an International Conference held in San Francisco, California August 14-16, 1975. by Shapin, Betty, & Coly, Lisette (Eds.).
Encounters Wth Parapsychology. by McConnell, R.A. (Ed.)
ESP and Psychology. by Burt, Sir Cyril (Anita Gregory, Ed.).
Explaining the Unexplained: Mysteries of the Paranormal. by Eysenck, Hans J., & Sargent, Carl
Foundations of Parapsychology: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Capability. by Edge, Hoyt L., Morris, Robert L., Rush, Joseph H., & Palmer, John
Inner Spaces: Parapsychological Explorations of the Mind. by Eisenberg, Howard
Margins of Reality: The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World. by Jahn, Robert G., & Dunne, Brenda J.
Methods and Models for Education in Parapsychology (Parapsychological Monographs No. 14). by Rogo, D. Scott
Parapsychology and Contemporary Science. by Dubrov, A.P., & Puskin, V.N.
Parapsychology and the Nature of Life. by Randall, John L.
Parapsychology and the Sciences: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 28-25, 1972. by Angoff, Allan, & Shapin, Betty (Eds.).
Parapsychology: Its Relation to Physics, Biology, Psychology, and Psychiatry. by Schmeidler, Gertrude R. (Ed.).
Parapsychology: The Science of Psiology. by Nash, Carroll B.
Parapsychology: When the Irrational Rejoins Science (Katharine M. Banham, Trans.). by Chauvin, Remy
Psi Notes: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Parapsychology and Psychic Phenomena. by Braud, William G.
Psi Search. by Bowles, Norma, & Hynds, Fran, with Joan Maxwell
Psi Trek: A World-Wide Investigation into the Lives of Psychic People and the Researchers Who Test Such Phenomena as: Healing, Prophecy, Dowsing, Ghosts, and Life After Death. by Bartlett, Laile E.
Psi, What is Hidden Behind It?. by Bauer, Eberhard, & Lucadou, Walter von (Eds.)
Psychic Breakthroughs Today: Fascinating Encounters With Parapsychology's Latest Discoveries. by Rogo, D. Scott
Research in Parapsychology 1983: Abstracts and Papers from the Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, 1983. by White, Rhea A., & Broughton, Richard S. (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1984: Abstracts and Papers from the Twenty-seventh Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, 1984. by White, Rhea A., & Solfvin, Jerry (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1986. by Weiner, Debra H., & Nelson, Roger D. (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1987. by Weiner, Debra H., & Morris, Robert L. (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1988: Abstracts and Papers from the Thirty-First Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, 1988. by Henkel, Linda A., & Berger, Rick E. (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1989. by Henkel, Linda A., & Palmer, John (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1990: Abstracts and Papers from the Thirty-Third Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, 1990. by Henkel, Linda A., & Schmeidler, Gertrude R. (Eds.)
Research in Parapsychology 1993: Abstracts and Papers from the Thirty-Sixth Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, 1993. by Zingrone, Nancy L., Schlitz, Marilyn J., Alvarado, Carlos S., & Milton, Julie (Eds)
Science of Psi: ESP and PK. by Nash, Carroll B.
The Ashby Guidebook for Study of the Paranormal (rev. ed.).. by Ashby, Robert H. (Frank C. Tribbe, Ed.).
The Hidden Power. by Inglis, Brian
The Psychic Realm: What Can You Believe?. by Hintze, Naomi A., & Pratt, J. Gaither
The Seeing Eye, the Seeing I: Perception, Sensory and Extrasensory. by Haynes, Renee
The Signet Handbook of Parapsychology. by Ebon, Martin (Ed.).

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