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Death-Related Experiences

A Collection of Near-Death Research Readings. by Lundahl, Craig R.
A Ghosthunter's Guide to Haunted Landmarks, Parks, Churches, and Other Public Places. by Myers, Arthur
A Tribe Returned (2d ed.).. by Cunningham, Janet
A Year to Live: How to Live This Year as if it Were Your Last. by Levine, Stephen
After Death: Mapping the Journey. by Miller, Sukie, with Lipsett, Suzanne
After Death—What? Researches into Hypnotic and Spiritualistic Phenomena. by Lombroso, Cesare. Introduction by Colin Wilson
After the Beyond: Human Transformation and the Near-Death Experience. by Flynn, Charles P.
After the Beyond: Human Transformation and the Near-Death Experience. by Flynn, Charles P.
After-Death Communication: Final Farewells. by LaGrand, Louis E.
Apparitions. by Green, Celia, & McCreery, Charles
Apparitions in Late Medieval and Renaissance Spain. by Christian, William A., Jr.
Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality. by Habermas, Gary R., & Moreland, J.P.
Beyond Death: The Undiscover'd Country. by Murphet, Howard
Beyond the Light: What Isn’t Being Said About Near-Death Experience. by Atwater, P.M.H.
Born Twice: Total Recall of a Seventeenth-Century Life. by Ryall, Edward W.
Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume I. Ten Cases in India. by Stevenson, Ian
Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume II. Ten Cases in Sri Lanka. by Stevenson, Ian
Cases of the Reincarnation Type, Volume III. Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey. by Stevenson, Ian
Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume IV. Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma. by Stevenson, Ian
Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume IV. Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma. by Stevenson, Ian
Cases of the Reincarnation Type: Volume IV. Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma. by Stevenson, Ian
Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation. by Stevenson, Ian
Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation. by Stevenson, Ian
Christian Psychology: Toward a New Synthesis. by McDonagh, John M.
Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India. by Pasricha, Satwant
Closer to the Light: Learning From Children's Near-Death Experiences.. by Morse, Melvin, & Perry, Paul
Coming Back: A Psychiatrist Explores Past-Life Journeys. by Moody, Raymond A., Jr., & Perry, Paul
Consciousness and Survival: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry Into the Possibility of Life Beyond Biological Death. by Spong, John S. (Ed.)
Death and Personal Survival: The Evidence for Life After Death. by Almeder, Robert
Death Dreams: Unveiling Mysteries of the Unconscious Mind. by Kramer, Kenneth Paul, with Larkin, John
Elvis After Life: Unusual Experiences Surrounding the Death of a Superstar. by Moody, Raymond A., Jr.
Evidence of Life After Death: A Casebook for the Tough-Minded. by Berger, Arthur S.
From Ashes to Healing: Mystical Encounters With the Holocaust: Fifteen True Stories Collected and Annotated by Rabbi Yonassan Gershon. by Gershon, Yonassan
Full Circle: The Near-Death Experience and Beyond. by Harris, Barbara, & Bascom, Lionel C.
Ghost Notes: Haunted Happenings on California’s Historic Monterey Peninsula. by Reinstedt, Randall A.
Ghosts of the Rich and Famous. by Myers, Arthur
Goodbye Again: Experiences With Departed Loved Ones. by Devers, Edie
Haunted England: Royal Spirits, Castle Ghosts; Phantom Coaches, & Wailing Ghouls. by Whitaker, Terence
Haunted Houses USA. by Riccio, Dolores, & Bingham, Joan
Hauntings and Apparitions. by MacKenzie, Andrew
Heading Toward Omega: In Search of the Meaning of the Near-Death Experience. by Ring, Kenneth
Heading Toward Omega: In Search of the Meaning of the Near-Death Experience. by Ring, Kenneth
Heather’s Return: The Amazing Story of a Child’s Communications From Beyond the Grave. by Wiitala, Geri Colozzi
Lessons From the Light: What Can We Learn From the Near-Death Experience. by Ring, Kenneth, & Valarino, Evelyn Elsaesser
Life After Death. by Harpur, Tom
Life After Death: The Case for Survival of Bodily Death. by Rogo, D. Scott
Life After Life? The Investigation of a Phenomenon: Survival of Bodily Death. by Moody, Raymond A., Jr.
Life at Death: A Scientific Investigation of the Near-Death Experience. by Ring, Kenneth
Life Between Life: Scientific Explorations into the Void Separating One Incarnation from the Next. by Whitton, Joel L., & Fisher, Joe
Love Beyond Life: The Healing Power of After-Death Communications. by Martin, Joel, & Romanowski, Patricia
More Haunted Houses. by Bingham, Joan, & Riccio, Dolores
My Life After Dying: Becoming Alive to Universal Love. by Ritchie, George G., Jr.
Near-Death Experiences: An Annotated Bibliography. by Basford, Terry K.
On the Other Side of Life: Exploring the Phenomenon of the Near-Death Experience. by Valarino, Evelyn Elsaesse
Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times. by Zaleski, Carol
Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times. by Zaleski, Carol
Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death. by Becker, Carl B.
Parapsychology and Thanatology: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Boston, Massachusetts November 6-7, 1993. by Coly, Lisette, & McMahon, Joanne D.S.
Parting Visions: Uses and Meanings of Pre-Death, Psychics, and Spiritual Experiences. by Morse, Melvin, with Perry, Paul
Paul's Awakening: A Narrative on the Death of My Son. by van Eeden, Frederick
Phantoms of the Isles: Further Tales From The Haunted Realm. by Marsden, Simon
Photographing the Spirit World: Images From Beyond the Spectrum. by Permutt, Cyril
Reaching: The Journey to Fulfillment. by Kelsey, Morton
Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation. by Sabom, Michael B.
Reflections on Life After Life. by Moody, Raymond A., Jr.
Reincarnation: Ancient Beliefs and Modern Evidence. by Christie-Murray, David
Reincarnation: Fact or Fable?. by Berger, Arthur S., & Berger, Joyce (Eds.)
Return from Death: An Exploration of the Near-Death Experience. by Grey, Margot
Return from Death: An Exploration of the Near-Death Experience. by Grey, Margot
Reunions: Visionary Encounters With Departed Loved Ones. by Moody, Raymond, with Perry, Paul
Signals: An Inspiring Story of Life After Life. by Rothschild, Joel
Survival? Body, Mind and Death in the Light of Psychic Experience. by Lorimer, David
Tales of Reincarnation. by Guiley, Rosemary Ellen
The After-Life: Under the Scrutiny of Science. by Hardy, Christine
The Afterlife: An Investigation Into the Mysteries of Life After Death. by Randles, Jenny, & Hough, Peter
The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche. by Novak, Pete
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits. by Guiley, Rosemary Ellen
The Eternal Journey: How Near-Death Experiences Illuminate Our Earthly Lives. by Lundahl, Craig R., & Widdison, Harold A.
The Final Choice: Playing the Survival Game. by Grosso, Michael
The Ghostly Register: Haunted Dwellings Active Spirits: A Journey to America's Strangest Landmarks. by Myers, Arthur
The Haunted Realm: Ghosts, Spirits and Their Uncanny Abodes. by Marsden, Simon
The Light Beyond. by Moody, Raymond A., with Perry, Paul
The Light Beyond. by Moody, Raymond A., Jr., with Perry, Paul
The Logic of Mortality. by Flew, Antony
The Near-Death Experience: A Reader. by Bailey, Lee W., & Yates, Jenny (Eds.).
The Near-Death Experience: Problems, Prospects, Perspectives. by Greyson, Bruce, & Flynn, Charles P. (Eds).
The Near-Death Experience: Problems, Prospects, Perspectives. With a Foreword by Michael B. Sabom. by Greyson, Bruce, & Flynn, Charles P. (Eds.)
The Return From Silence: A Study of Near-Death Experiences. by Rogo, D. Scott
The Search for Yesterday: A Critical Examination of the Evidence for Reincarnation. by Rogo, D. Scott
The Seen and the Unseen. by MacKenzie, Andrew
The Story of Ruth. by Schatzman, Morton
Transformed by the Light: The Powerful Effect of Near-Death Experiences on People’s Lives. by Morse, Melvin, with Perry, Paul
Tunnel to Eternity: Beyond Near-Death. by Rhodes, Leon
Unlearned Language: New Studies in Xenoglossy. by Stevenson, Ian
What Survives? Contemporary Explorations of Life After Death. by Doore, Gary (Ed.).
Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect. by Stevenson, Ian
Whole in One: The Near-Death Experience and the Ethic of Interconnectedness. by Lorimer, David
Within the Light. by Sutherland, Cherie
Working with the Dreaming Body. by Mindell, Arnold
You Cannot Die: The Incredible Findings of a Century of Research on Death. by Currie, Ian

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