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Human Development/Consciousness Evolution
Record Type: Review   ID: 549

Paths Beyond Ego: The Transpersonal Vision

Walsh, Roger, & Vaughan, Frances (Eds.)

 This collection of excerpts from articles and books is probably the best introduction and overview of the transpersonal approach. Although "transpersonal" originally was associated primarily with psychology, the "transpersonal vision" now may be found in science, psychotherapy, ethics, anthropology, ecology, sociology, and philosophy. Most of the key thinkers in these areas are represented. Perhaps the most important section, however, is the editors' own introduction. It describes the history of the transpersonal vision from its roots in psychology to its current interdisciplinary thrust. The book is arranged in three parts, and with an important introduction provided by the editors. Each part is subdivided into sections, each containing as few as 3 or as many as 8 selections. The titles of the parts and of each section, followed by the authors of the selections, are: Part I. The Varieties of Transpersonal Experience. Section 1: The Riddle of Consciousness (Goleman; Wilber; Tart; Walsh); Section 2: Meditation: Royal Road to the Transpersonal (Kornfield; Walsh; Kornfield); Section 3: Lucid Dreaming (Malamud; LaBerge; Gackenbach & Bosveld; Aurobindo; LaBerge); Section 4: The Mind Manifesters: Implications of Psychedelics (Smith; James; Grof); Part II. The Farther Reaches of Development. Section 5: Transpersonal Dimensions of Development (Wilber; Engler; Epstein; Wilber); Section 6: Problems on the Path: Clinical Concerns (Grof & Grof; Grof & Grof; Feuerstein; Wilber); Section 7: The Quest for Wholeness: Transpersonal Therapies (Wilber; Vaughan; Wittine; Murphy); Part III. Foundations and Applications. Section 8: Science, Technology, and Transcendence (Globus; Wilber; Capra; Laughlin, McManus & Shearer; Ring); Section 9: The Philosophy of Transcendence (McDermott; Huxley; Wilber; Walsh); Section 10: Minding Our World: Service and Sustainability (Dalai Lama; Dass; Welwood; Fox; Devall & Sessions; Elgin; Grof & Grof; Russell); Section 11: Envisioning the Future (Wilber; Walsh & Vaughan). Although the text can be read by the general reader as well as scholars, the sections at the end make it useful for reference as well. There are notes/references by selection; a list of further readings; a directory of resources (associations, training programs, journals); information about each of the 38 contributors and the editors, and a detailed list of permissions. This work should belong not only in every library but in the personal collections of anyone interested in exceptional human experience. The Foreword is by John Mack.
Publisher Information:Los Angeles, CA: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993. 296p. Chap. notes: 269-277; 6 figs; Further reading: 279-283; 1 table
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