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Record Type: Review   ID: 76

The Lucid Dreamer: A Waking Guide for the Traveler Between Worlds

Godwin, Malcolm

 The author reveals in the Preface that 20 years earlier he had a sudden life-changing experience (he does not say of what type, but apparently it was an EHE) that moved him to overturn his life in England and roam India in search of Enlightenment, which he now realizes may not happen quite so quickly. In those 20 years he says he has forgotten most of the EHEs he had, which now are cause for embarrassment. But in a sense the book is a kind of EHE autobiography, in that it has "grown from the almost nostalgic concern to re-examine many of the states which arose then" (p. 6)—including his first lucid dream. He describes himself as not being an authority but "a sort of naive, religious primitive" and "a sporadic lucid dreamer, who is still lost in wonder at what I have felt" (p. 6). He notes how lucid dreaming (as any EHE) calls the entire waking world into question, so limited it is, compared with a dreamworld that is "as clear and spatially real as anything in our waking state, but it also can be experienced with all the five senses, including taste and smell" (p. 6). His hope, encouraged by the holographic theories of quantum physics, is that it is possible "that we can awaken from this daytime dream we have all created" (p. 7). The book is in three parts, the first being "The Lucid Realm," the second "Travelers Between Worlds," and the third "A Waking Dream," in which the dream maker awakens. The illustrations, many in color, almost induce a dreaming state. Most are paintings, or details from paintings.
Publisher Information:New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. 256p. 198 illus (119 in color); Ind: 251-256; Suggested Reading: 251
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